The Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology
---2006:Seoul No.1
---2006:Seoul No.2


________________________________________________________Chairperson of International Exchange Committee Kazutaka Masuda

The JSNMT has been promoting an international exchange program since 1992.
The purposes of this program are as follows:

  1. To contribute to international advancement in nuclear medicine technologies by actively interacting with academic groups consisting of international experts in nuclear medicine technologies including SNMT.

  1. To study current international safety standards by visiting facilities in order to contribute to the preparation of the legal systems in Japan for safe nuclear medicine examinations.

  1. To contribute to national healthcare in Japan by actively introducing novel technologies in nuclear medicine examinations through exchange among facilities.

  1. To contribute to the academic advancement of our members by assisting in their academic presentations overseas.

Through this program, about three members have been dispatched each year by selection or recommendation (41 members in total):
Twenty-six to SNM or SNMT, six to the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, four to the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, one to the Hammersmith Hospital in Britain, and four to Asian societies.

Most members dispatched from the program have assumed the chair of the JSNMT and the chairs of related societies and committees and are significantly contributing to advancements in nuclear medicine technologies. These facts demonstrate that the program has achieved great success in enhancing the development of human resources for JSNMT.

As described above, the program consists of dispatching our members to SNM, SNMT, and other overseas societies.
The reasons behind this may be considered the purpose of academic presentations and geographic situations.
Also, the chairperson of SNMT has been consistently invited to the convention of the JSNMT since 2000 to provide academic presentations, which may contribute to the achievements of this program.

Standardization of nuclear medicine technologies and more efficient safety management in nuclear medicine are expected to come in the future.
In this circumstance, one of the future aspects of this program is to make use of the results we have achieved so far with the SNM and the European Association of Nuclear Medicine in the summit meeting of nuclear medicine technologies in Asia, Oceania, and other areas.